This article is all about how to lose weight, I hope you find it interesting to read and beneficial. I'm somebody who has always struggled to keep off the fat and who has tried many different forms of diet. From about the age of twelve, I've had problems with my weight. I have to be careful what I eat and I personally believe I actually eat less than what other people do. One of the issues I do have though is that I like the wrong types of food. Vegetables, fruit, salad and pasta do not really do it for me, where as fast foods such as pizza, chips and curry do.
Another one of my bad habits is that from the age of around sixteen I started to get a perception and a liking for alcohol. I've to consent that from this age I've always drank far too much and far more than the average man. You may well be thinking at this point that it's was no wonder that I've had problems controlling my weight.
In my defense, I've had many understanding issues and suffered with a low self esteem for many years. This would cause me to binge drink and comfort eat. When hungover I'd eat copious amounts of these fatty foods to make me feel better. By the age of twenty two I was basically very fat or obese. I earnest at this stage of my life to do something about this and started looking into various forms of diet. Maybe it's just me but these weight loss programs seemed very harsh and very unrealistic. Drinking tasteless milkshakes four times a day, eating five fruits a day and not being able to drink alcohol, no thanks. Following these diets would make my life not really worth living and I knew that I would not be able to stick to them.
One morning I saw three different postmen delivering their rounds. They were all quite thin, at a weight I'd love to be. Over the next few weeks I kept an eye out for other postmen and realized that the ones I had seen were all thin. I thought about why would this be, quite simply because they do a lot of exercise via walking.
I sat myself down and started to think. I had to admit to myself that I do very little liveliness and I use my car to take me to virtually every place I go. The answer was quite simple, I need to, at times walk my children to school, walk to my friends and in general ensure I exercise far much more than I was. This has, I'm happy to report helped my infinitely and I now have a weight I'm happy with.