Best Diet For Insulin Resistant Individuals

Insulin resistance if a sliding scale. For example, if someone is a full blown Type 2 diabetic and requires injections to keep their blood sugar levels down, then their body's own insulin supply will have virtually no effect. Although it is still being created, its ability to lower blood sugar levels are practically zero. However, someone who is fairly active but overweight and eats a poor diet consisting mainly of refined carbohydrates and sugars, will probably have some degree of insulin resistance but will more than likely not even know it. It will be some time before any serious problems manifest.

Insulin resistance is the precursor to Type 2 diabetes and as with all diseases, prevention is much better than cure. That aside, if you do already have insulin resistance then halting any factors that will continue to offer the condition should be your number one priority in life from here on out. Sacrifices will have to be made but doing away with your favorite cookie is no comparison to the real complications that lay in wait if you choose to ignore the signs and symptoms.

The views and beliefs vary from source to source but there is one major factor that seems to exist within all of them. That any foods responsible for rising sugar need to be seriously restricted. This change in diet will not produce you harm but it may make you feel different for a while. Your body can and will run quite adequately with little or no carbohydrate. Through complicated bio chemical processes, fat and protein is converted to energy on a needed basis. All wild animals will go without food for prolonged periods and yet still remain active.