The body mass index, or BMI, helps clarify an important distinction between being overweight or being obese. If you weigh too much, you're obviously overweight. But if you've a very high proportion of body fat, you're obese. Based on your body mass index, your doctor or other health care provider will classify your weight as healthy, overweight, or obese.
According to the National Heart, Lung and Cardinal Institute, the body mass index describes body weight relative to height and is correlated with total body fat pleasant in most adults. In almost all cases, this means that the body mass index will accurately reflect your weight and proportion of body fat as a function of your height and weight when categorizing you as healthy, overweight or obese.
Calculating your approximate body mass index is relatively straightforward, although you'll probably need a calculator just to save time. To get your body mass index, multiply your weight in pounds by 703. Next, divide that result by your height in inches. Then divide that result by your height in inches one more time.
As an example, let's say you weigh 180 pounds and are 5 feet 10 inches tall.
Multiply 180 by 703 to get 126,540. Consequent, divide this by 70 to get 1807,7. Now, divide 1807,7 by 70 one more time. The result - 25.8 is your approximate body mass index.
If the superior example sounds you, you might be surprised to learn that you're ever so slightly heavier than your doctor might like. A body mass index from 18.5 up to 25 is considered healthy, from 25 up to 30 is classified as overweight, and 30 or higher is obese.
Generally, says the National Heart, Lung and Cardinal Institute, the higher a person's body mass index, the greater the risk for health problems. In addition to causing your body mass index to skyrocket, excess body fat is a well recognized health risk. Men and women with waist lines in excess of 40 and 35 inches, respectively, are much more at risk for health problems like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Like every rule of thumb, this one also has it exception. Body builders, for example, often have a body mass index above 25 and sometimes even extreme 30. In this case, however, the further BMI reflects the truth that body builders have more trouble mass without having more fat.
Finally, there's still only one sure way to lower your body mass index if you're overweight or obese: Eat less and exercise more. Your body will burn more calories than you eat and your body mass index will go down over time.
Are You At A Healthy Weight
Have You Ever Seen A Fat Postman
This article is all about how to lose weight, I hope you find it interesting to read and beneficial. I'm somebody who has always struggled to keep off the fat and who has tried many different forms of diet. From about the age of twelve, I've had problems with my weight. I have to be careful what I eat and I personally believe I actually eat less than what other people do. One of the issues I do have though is that I like the wrong types of food. Vegetables, fruit, salad and pasta do not really do it for me, where as fast foods such as pizza, chips and curry do.
Another one of my bad habits is that from the age of around sixteen I started to get a perception and a liking for alcohol. I've to consent that from this age I've always drank far too much and far more than the average man. You may well be thinking at this point that it's was no wonder that I've had problems controlling my weight.
In my defense, I've had many understanding issues and suffered with a low self esteem for many years. This would cause me to binge drink and comfort eat. When hungover I'd eat copious amounts of these fatty foods to make me feel better. By the age of twenty two I was basically very fat or obese. I earnest at this stage of my life to do something about this and started looking into various forms of diet. Maybe it's just me but these weight loss programs seemed very harsh and very unrealistic. Drinking tasteless milkshakes four times a day, eating five fruits a day and not being able to drink alcohol, no thanks. Following these diets would make my life not really worth living and I knew that I would not be able to stick to them.
One morning I saw three different postmen delivering their rounds. They were all quite thin, at a weight I'd love to be. Over the next few weeks I kept an eye out for other postmen and realized that the ones I had seen were all thin. I thought about why would this be, quite simply because they do a lot of exercise via walking.
I sat myself down and started to think. I had to admit to myself that I do very little liveliness and I use my car to take me to virtually every place I go. The answer was quite simple, I need to, at times walk my children to school, walk to my friends and in general ensure I exercise far much more than I was. This has, I'm happy to report helped my infinitely and I now have a weight I'm happy with.
The South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet touts itself as teaching dieters to eat the right carbs and the right fats. The diet itself is devided in three phases. In the first dieters banish their bad carb cravings and induce rapid weight loss. In the second phase, some types of carbs are reintroduced and weight loss is slower. The final phase is the Diet for Life phase.
This is the maintenance diet and will be followed for the rest of the dieters life. If at any time the dieter begins to gain unwanted pounds, then he simply goes through the induction and pre maintenance phases again.
The first phase emphasizes protein from high superiority meat sources with lots of more vegetables and salads with real olive oil dressing. Bread, rice, pastas, potatoes, baked discernment, soy milk and cheese, yogurt, beets, carrots, corn and all waves are forbidden in the 14 day induction phase. This includes all candy, cake, ice cream and sugar, plus meats that are cured in sugar or molasses. The diet encourages three meals a day with a mid morning and a mid afternoon snack. There's also a daily meal plan. This plan includes strict portion control in the blastoff phase. An example of a daily snack is 20 peanuts. And 30 pistachios is another snack option.
Unlike Atkins, mammoth protein consumption isn't advised or allowed on this diet. However, during the later phases of the diet some of the strict portion control does spire and dieters are able to eat until satiated. Some of the forbidden foods can be slowly reintroduced, sometimes in modified form in the second phase of the diet. The second phase lasts until the dieters design weight is reached. However, white flour products, potatoes, corn, carrots, beets and sweet fruits like banana and pineapple are still forbidden.
After dieters reach their ideal weight, they proceed on to their Diet for Life or maintenance diet. In this phase the forbidden foods are processed foods, white flour products, candy-coated fruits, and foods with a high glycemic index in general. During the 14 day induction period, Dr. Agatston predicts a weight loss of between eight and 13 pounds, with belly fat being the first to go. In the second phase dieter should continue to lose 1 - 2 pounds each week as long as they don't go overboard with the carb reintroduction.
Lose Weight By Walking Your Dog
This article is about weight loss and how to live a more healthy life, I hope you find it interesting to read and beneficial. I've had a lot of problems with my weight over the years and by the age of twenty two had had enough of being obese. In the article I write about how I eventually lost my excess pounds.
I've always struggled to keep my weight under control. Being over weight affected my whole life, I was unable to wear the clothes I wanted to and I often felt guilty after eating certain foods. I was adamant that if only I could lose a couple of stones my confidence would increase and that I'd ultimately be a lot happier.
I read many books and attempted to follow a range of diets. For whatever reason this didn't seem to help me, mainly because I could not set down to their weight loss programs due to my friendship of fatty foods.
One day I was talking to a neighbor who wasn't only very nice but also quite thin. She looked very pertinent and healthy and I inquired as to how she kept so trim.
This neighbor who is called Gillian seemed quite taken aback and even flattered by my question and went quite coy. She stated that at one point in her life, she had also had a weight problem and had not been joyful about it. What she was about to rehearse was quite a shock to me, however would eventually change my life.
She went on to say that wherever she went to at this stage of her life, she would travel to by car. Gillian had realised that in an average week, she did very little exercise and at times did none at all. She then went out and bought a dog and would take this pet for a walk at least twice a day. This wasn't a choir for Gillian and over the next few years even resulted in her meeting a number of new friends. Previously, Gillian had observed exercise as a hassle and very time consuming but on various days she would take her dog on four walks, she enjoyed it that much.
Gillian quickly noticed that not only was she losing weight but that she also felt a lot healthier. It was not long before she was at a weight she was happy with.
After listening to Gillian's story I set on to follow her weight loss program. Yes I went and bought a dog and am happy to invoice that it has also worked for me.
Weight Loss Products - Alternative To Normal Diets
Fat has become a real problem this days. Now, when looks are almost everything, everyone wants to have an enviable body. There are a lot of methods and myths that can help in loosing some extra pounds, so choosing the best could be very hard. One of the best weight loss meds methods is controlling your appetite. But this appetite control method isn't so easy for everyone. And that's where the weight loss pills and fad diets come to ease up the weight loss process.
First of all when you try to control your appetite you'll surely feel hungry almost all the time. There are numerous methods to reduce hunger like trying to avoid carbohydrates, exposing yourself to natural sun light or drinking large quantities of water.
But I can proclaim you from my experience that you can do anything and you won't loose the lasciviousness feeling. But you can try other weight loss alternatives like diet pills. Don't consider this diet pills like a substitute for a normal weight loss diet.
Weight loss pills are some kind of appetite suppressant that works well with a good weight loss diet and weight loss exercises. If you result exactly the prescription and the indications this weight loss products can do miracles to your body.
Another good alternative for weight loss are fad diets. Fad diets are some weight loss plans that are supposed to bring you really amazing results. There are many good fad diets like the Atkins Diet, the three phases programmed South Beach Diet, the Sugar Busters. The Atkins Diet it's based on avoiding any kind of carbohydrates. It's recommended in this weight loss diet to eat less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.
The South Beach Diet it's based on choosing the right carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
The Sugar Busters weight loss diet is some kind of nutritional lifestyle that will teach you what to eat and when to eat. Exercises are also recommended in this fad diet. It's based on avoiding sugar and grain products.
In conclusion, if you've a powerful will and you concentrate one of this great weight loss alternatives you'll have the perfect body that you've always wanted.
Weight Control Tips For Lasting Weight Control
1. Walk a lot. Leave the car at home, catch the bus or train.
2. Try not to eat pork at least for three or four months, then decide.
3. Eat red meat only once or twice a month. Take your time and coach yourself. If red meat is a daily habit for you, take your time and supply-teach yourself. Go off the red table for 3 or four months and then decide what you want to do.
4. Take liquid vitamins try not to put undo stress on your digestive system by expecting it to digest massive vitamin pills.
5. Hold your stomach in and breath deep, as often as latent.
6. Destroy waste from your body, often. In fact, imbibe how to give yourself a high colonic to clean your colon.
7. Talk to your body. Ask it if it’s OK to eat something – you'll be surprised at how your intellect will respond over time to questions that you ask your inner self.
8. Love your body just as it's and it will change for you.
9. Do not covet your neighbor’s slim body, however, see yourself thin, and if you need a little help look at your neighbor’s thin body and know that in time, that will be you. Then believe it.
10. Do not diet. You loose the thoroughgoing exertion if you diet. I realize this may be hard for some of you to realize. To diet is in direct conflict with the love your body just as it's Use run-of-the-mill sense when eating, however, do not diet.
Depending on how much weight you've to loose, it could take 3 months or 3 years. Take your time, speculate a lot and if you pray, then do so. If not, then meditate and listen to what the universe has to say. I cannot stress how important this step is. The trick is to believe that you can and faith will come into play. Once you're in the faith zone it's only a matter of time. The only physical requirement would be to continually remove waste from your colon. The rest is what we call unacquired weight loss.
How To Jump Start Your Weight Loss Program
1. Eat protein at every meal, including breakfast.
2. Eliminate wheat and flour based products for the time being. And yes, that definitely includes bread and pasta.
3. Eat unprocessed foods. Ninety percent of what you eat should be a combination of raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and maybe a few fruits if obligatory.
4. Reduce starch to one portion a day, and don't eat that portion during your evening meal. Best choices are beans, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.
5. Don't overdo fruit: one a day maximum, and only the low sugar, high fiber variety. Apples, pears, plums and berries all are good choices. For now, fruit should be eaten unitary or with something light, like low fat insane. Lose the fruit juice completely.
6. Reduce or eliminate dairy for the time being, especially cow's milk. Exceptions: reasonable amounts of low sugar, fat free yogurt.
7. Lose the booze. Despite what the studies say, you lose no health benefits by giving up alcohol. There is nothing essential in alcohol that you can't get in fruits and vegetables without all the bad side effects that go along with it.
8. Stop using vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower and corn. The supermarket kind is highly refined, and it oxidizes easily when heated, contributing to arterial plaque. Use olive oil instead, and apply it to food after the food is cooked when possible.
9. Watch which types of fat you're eating. The amount of fat you eat is probably less important than the kind of fat you eat. The worst are fried foods, margarine and foods that contain hydrogenized or partially hydrogenized oils. The best is omega 3, found in fish and flaxseed oil.
10. Obsessively entree water: At least 8 ounces for every 20 pounds of bodyweight you're now carrying around, each day. Every day. No excuses.
Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Program
You've no doubt heard that it's better to eat many small meals throughout the day, than to go all day without eating and then gorging yourself on dinner in the evening. But did you ever wonder why?
The fact is, your body can only process about 350 calories every 90 minutes. Eat more than that, and you're most likely overloading your digestive system. If your body cannot use all the fuel you provide it at any given time, it will use what it can, and then store the rest as body fat. It assumes, through thousands of years of participation, that there will be lean times when it will need those fat reserves for fuel. But in this modern age, we, thankfully, seldom face those rangy times.
Because of this, if we're to keep our weight from spiraling out of control, we must, by choice limit our quantities of food, as well as the kinds of food.
So, how do we use this information in losing weight? Simple. Eat light, but eat often. There are many benefits to this strategy. First, you're only providing your body what it needs, when it needs it. Second, you're able to better maintain a consistent sanguine sugar level, and so you're not left feeling whacked all day.
And by making certain wise and healthful choices, you'll find the 350 calorie limit can be quite filling. Make poor choices, however, and you'll be withdrawn feeling unsatisfied. So make sure to choose healthful fruits & vegetables and limit your intake of breads & cereals. Also, when including meat in the diet, choose only healthful, low fat fish & fowl.
This one simple tip, if practiced faithfully, will help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Foods That Fight Fat
Some foods can magically melt pounds, and that train of thought has been around for a long time. While exercise and a variety of wholesome foods help will help you lose weight, there are foods that burn calories and suppress hunger. Listed below are a variety of foods that will help speed your metabolism and therefore burn fat.
Foods such as raw spinach contain bulk. Therefore, the space they leave in your stomach - partly because of their high steep content - leaves less room for pastries and solidify cream. They're also jammed with firm, foliate, calcium and vitamins A, B, C, and E that helps you to lose weight.
Grape fruits help you lose weight fast. They're not magic, but they are powerful fat fighters due to their fiber content. In addition, without added sugar, a grapefruit has fewer calories than an orange of the same weight.
Apples keep the doctors away and fat. Eating several apples a day is a great way to lose weight. Hard fruits like apples take time to chew and fill you up.
You burn more calories chewing and digesting celery than it actually contains. Celery has vitamins E and C. It's a diet food that also helps you lose weight and should be on everyone's plate.
Protein packed legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, lentils are not just low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, they digest slowly and keep blood sugar levels steady. You will not feel like eating for a while.
Calcium moneyed foods and drink such as low fat milk can boost metabolism. It has been found that women and girls who consume dairy products regularly tend to lose weight easily and have less body fat than those who do not.
The omega 3 in fatty fish, such as mackerel can curb overeating. The protein mixed with the fat in fish is also known to management your eating.
You can eat all the strawberries you want and can never gain a pound. Strawberries, peaches, plums, and grapes appear with cancer onslaught carotenoids and appetite suppressing fiber. Eating these types of fruits daily will help you lose weight fast.
Above are just some examples of foods that burn fat. Disciplining yourself to eat a proper diet and the right exercise program will help you reach your idea weight in no time.
How Hoodia Helps You Lose Weight
You've seen the name everywhere. Hoodia Gordonii has taken the weight loss world by storm. Being touted as the next miracle weight loss medication, Hoodia is now being put into everything from multivitamins to Trimspa.
But does Hoodia work?
In that the debacle that was Ephedra, consumers are right to be cautious about this new weight loss pill. Does Hoodia actually work to help you lose weight? Does it really do what the pill manufacturers say? Well, Hoodia has been shown to have some specific effects in the area of weight loss. But there are certain things you should know before running out to buy the latest Hoodia pill from your drug store. Here are 3 ways Hoodia helps you lose weight and 3 other things you should know to make Hoodia work best for you:
Hoodia makes you physically less hungry
Pure Hoodia contains a molecule scientists called P57 which, they believe, is authoritative for making you feel full. Normally, when you eat food, this food turns to glucose. When the glucose in your body rises it eventually signals to your brain that you're full. It's believed that P57 molecule in Hoodia mimics the effect that glucose has on your brain, sufficient part of your brain that you feel full. Consequently, you're physically less hungry. One of the slightest studies of Hoodia Gordonii was done in the UK on obese patients. Half of the volunteers were given Hoodia Gordonii, the other half were given a placebo. The subjects were allowed to do nothing but read, watch television and eat. After 15 days it was found that those taking Hoodia had scanty their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. Despite having unlimited path to food, the Hoodia subjects lost weight without feeling hungry.
Hoodia turns off the desire to overeat
Some people have reported that not only does Hoodia make them feel full, but it also shuts off their crave to eat. As many of us know, we can feel physically tickled pink but still eat for a variety of reasons like turn, timing and sociable influence. As a matter of fact emotional eating is actually responsible for more overeating than physical hunger. Hoodia can help some people lose weight by quenching this desire to eat and breaking the emotional attachment to food. By quenching this emotional attachment to food, Hoodia can help the individual to develop new emotional coping skills that don't include using food for backing. Note: Hoodia may not have this effect on everyone, however many people have reported having less of a desire to eat after fascinating Hoodia.
By turning off your appetite Hoodia allows you to start making positive, healthy food choices
How many times have we scheduled to eat healthy and then that old, ugly hunger rears it's ugly head and demands food NOW. We end up access for anything that's fast, easy and usually unhealthy. By turning off your appetite, Hoodia allows you to start to make positive, healthy food choices. It takes the torment out of building new healthier eating choices. Since you probably don't want to be on Hoodia forever, this is a great way to lose weight and transition your eating to a healthier, lighter diet - with less pain and deprivation.
So those are 3 ways Hoodia Gordonii can help you lose weight. Does that mercenary that it will? Not necessarily. In order for Hoodia to help you achieve your weight loss goals there are several factors you must consider:
1. Make sure you buy from a exact source
Unfortunately, there are scam artists who are beguiling advantage of the current demand for Hoodia by packaging fake Hoodia, fillers or even sawdust - and then selling it as Hoodia. Look for genuine South African Hoodia from a seller who displays both a C.I.T.E.S certificate on their website along with Lab Assays and testing of their Hoodia pills. If you're not sure about which Hoodia designation to buy, do more research until you feel comfortable with your decision.
2. Make sure you're taking enough Hoodia
The correct dosage varies depending on whom you talk to but most people start with about 400 mg three times a day before meals. They then increase the dosage up as high as 1000 mg three times daily until they catch the dose that works for them. Also, give it several days for the Hoodia to take effect before you increase your usual dose.
3. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking Hoodia or making any change to your diet or exercise routine.
This one is a given but surprisingly many people don't do it and it can result in you wasting your time and effort for no good reason. If, for instance, you've a medical condition that makes it hard to lose weight, Hoodia may not work for you as you'd hoped. Natter to your doctor before trying anything latest.
So those are 3 ways Hoodia works to help you lose weight and reach your goals. Hoodia works. Be sure you follow these suggestions and you'll be well on your way to weight loss success with Hoodia.
Weight Loss Program That Worked For Me
I've had many issues and problems with my weight. It's had a major effect on my life, it knocked my confidence and I had an all round low self esteem.
A few years ago I decided to do something about it, to slap to lose some of my excess fat. I had heard of many contrasting types of diet most of which I felt weren't suitable for me and even sounded disgusting.
I decided on self help, doing it my way. I knew that exercise would need to be a makin's, however wasn't willing to join a gym. Gyms seem full of people who are already preposterous! I started to walk a lot more rather than driving everywhere, and started to play tennis again, even though I must admit am pretty rubbish it. I'm not true the most athletic person and this basically was all the exercise I did.
The main reason I was overweight was because of my poor diet. I like to eat the types of food you're told not to. I love pizzas, a curry, chips, peanuts and especially alcohol. Most people I knew would tell me to cut out all of these from my diet completely - get real! Sorry, that’s not future, I enjoy them too much.
I thought about what to do and decided that I'd start to write down everything I ate. I'd eat a healthy breakfast and then would try not to eat until lunch. I'm somebody who loves to snack, eating crisps and chocolate especially. I knew that to not eat anything until lunch would be difficult but I had a plan. Whenever I felt hungry or a desire for food I'd eat a polo mint or if at home would clean my teeth. Sounds crazy but it worked for me! I'd also not eat between lunch and my evening meal. The dark hours meal would be my biggest meal of the day and would introduce anything I wanted including chips. On the weekend I'd always treat myself to a takeaway and would allow myself some alcohol.
This type of diet needs a lot of restraint and character, however you don't have to do that much exercise or cut any type of food from your diet.
Why Most Fail And Only A Few Succeed At Being Fit
In the age of information, many of the principles of health and fitness have become all but common knowledge.
Nevertheless, there's a very clear divide between those people who become successful and losing weight and staying useful and those who don't. Why is that? And what can you do to improve your chances of being in the successful minority as opposed to the unsuccessful majority?
When it comes to the world of weight loss and being fit, there are often two areas that help to determine what you can expect for your efforts.
- Genetic factors
- Psychological factors
Most of the information out there's geared around the Genetic factors and how to compensate for any ordinary shortcomings with a accurate amount of physical activity and dieting.
One of the most popular topics along the lines of genetics is that of body type. Anatomical body type is generally broken down into 3 basic groups: ectomorphic, mesomorphic, and endomorphic.
Ectomorphic types are characterized as people with thin, up and down body frames who have the easiesttime keeping their weight under control. Basketball players and runway models will often fit into this category.
Mesomorphic body types are characterized as people with athletic frames and ofttimes muscular, well proportioned bodies. Bodybuilders and dancers will often fit in here.
Endomorphic body types tend to be generally round figures and will often have the most trouble in keeping unwanted weight off of their bodies.
Most of us are combinations of two or more of these types with one being more dominant than the others. One important note about these anatomical types is that while they may give some insight to how you look on the outside, they can deceive us as to how healthy you're internally. Many people who may be thin are literally decaying inside due to foremost habits.
By contrast, there are many people who are not stereotypically thin, but are pictures of healthy due to healthy lifestyles.
The general role of knowing your body type is to get an explanation of how your body will tend to respond to your diet and lifestyle in terms of how easy or challenging it may be for you to hold it together in premeditated areas. Another way of classifying your body is by which of your hormone - producing glands dominates the way you process nutrients in the food you eat.
These Glandular types will fall into one of 4 categories: adrenal, thyroidal, pituitary, or gonadal. The explanation of each is undoubted similar to that of the anatomical body types above. The adrenal type tends to correspond with the mesomorphic anatomical type. The thyroidal is similar to the ectomorphic, and the pituitary to the endomorphic.
The gonadal type is a women only classification that's a hybrid of being slender on the top but somewhat larger below the waist with a greater amount of body fat. The gonadal body type among women is more commonly referred to as being pear shaped.
There's a questioning type of body classification that you may come across that originated in Ancient India. It has to do with Doshas - how the energy fields of the earth and your physical mass interact to influence how you feel.
This isn't directly related to the physical aspect of weight loss but tends to give you an idea on how what psychological advantages or challenges you may have when it comes to getting and staying fit.
This brings me to a major extent of clarity in this article:
As valuable as all of the body type information may be to dirt your body, it is not the end all that it's often marketed to be.
You're neither guaranteed to look and feel great nor doomed to be overweight and unhealthy simply based on your genetics and body classification. Body types should only be used to give you insight on what advantages or challenges that you may have in your quest for life long fitness not a life or death sentence that limits what you can achieve.
In reality, the Psychological factors related to how you look and feel are really where the rubber meets the road in weight loss and staying healthy and fit.
It's here that you'll find the tools to overcome whatever physical challenges that you are faced with. Therefore, it's here locality you absolutely cynosure the majority of your energy if you're become and remain notable with your health and fitness goals.
One thing that many people don't consider is how the knowledge of their body type and what that means affects their psychological outlook in the head place.
Many fit people who look great because they eat right and exercise accomplish so because they already believe that they've got something that's valuable and maintained. Therefore, their healthy lifestyle is just a matter of course.
The importance of the effect that your outlook on your results cannot be ignored. To put it plainly, your outlook directly affects your output.
If you don't happen to be one of those people who seem to naturally have it together when it comes to your body, then what you'll need to do is simply tap into the strength of your own psyche to push you valuable do.
There are 5 Key Steps that you need to follow in succession to take accrual of your own reservoirs of power, drive, and confidence.
Self acceptance
In order for any of this to work, you'll want to either have or generate of certain level of self acceptance for your body and all of its great points as well as its weaknesses.
This doesn't mean that you've to be satisfied with yourself when you may be out of shape. What is does mean, however, is that you've to be OK with having your best body - not someone else's.
Find the keys to your own motivation
Different things work for different people. While there may be 4 or 5 body types, there are alike more different personality types. You may want to fling several contradistinctive types of motivational apparatus to see which one you respond to best for the results you want. Here are a few ideas of things to endeavor:
- Having a workout / diet buddy
- Motivational books and tapes
- Imagining how you'll look and stroke when you reach your personal best
- Thinking of the quality of life benefits of being healthy and fit
Once you've figured out what works for you, drown yourself in it! If it works, then work it. Take mammoth advantage of the #1 factor in successfully achieving weight loss and maintaining perceptible fitness.
Maintain your progress by making fitness a lifestyle
As many of you know by now, I'm not a fan of traditional diets. They simply wrap up not work. More than person else, it's your day to day lifestyle that will determine what results you get, and your psychological temper is what either drives you to or pulls you right away from the activities that form that lifestyle.
There's simply no reason on earth that you cannot be one of the successful people when it comes to weight loss and fitness.
The Most Nutritious And Tasty Diet Foods
When considering what to include in a weight loss diet, there are two factors that you should always consider early. The first is whether or not your chosen diet will be sufficiently nutritious to keep you healthy. The second is if the diet will be tasty enough to maintain your interest, rather than for you to opt out through boredom.
It's possible to directions both of these concerns at the same time by considering health food vitamins, and in so doing you may be in for some sunny surprises. Much will depend in your tastes in food, but with experimentation, you should be able to construct a diet, within the guidelines of your nutritionist and doctor, that's also interesting enough to enable you to not only stick to the diet but enjoy it also.
If you're able to end up with a diet that you can really enjoy, then there's a chance that it will become a lifelong build. It is abeyant to make permanent changes; I know that from special experience. Initially, it can be difficult to make drastic changes, but it can be done much easier if you are enjoying the food you are eating. In many cases, drastic changes may not even be needed, but that's something it's best to discuss with your doctor in relation to your own health and weight problem.
I have selected five of my best diet foods, health foods rich in vitamins and other nutrients, which will provide you with some of the most important nutrients to sustain you during your diet:
I find tomatoes one of the most versatile and effective foods for cooking, and can be used to add interest to all sorts of meals, such as curries, casseroles and soups. Tomatoes go bushy-tailed with lean meats, or mixed with other vegetables, when used for cooking. They are also delicious raw, if you can find good tomatoes rather than the insipidly flavored tomatoes you may find in the supermarket. Tomatoes also happen to be one of the most valuable health foods, rich in lycopene, plus vitamins A and C. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant, which is why much scientific attention has been paid to tomatoes in recent years. Lycopene’s ability to neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage has been the nucleus of attention, due to the possible potential in cancer prevention. Tomatoes also have one other special asset. That's, that the nutrients are not destroyed during cooking, and even processed tomato products such as teenybopper sauce or ketchup, and canned tomatoes, retain the nutritional benefits. Tomatoes are therefore my health food super hero.
When it comes to making boring foods tasty, garlic is way up there amongst the first-rate. Along with tomatoes, garlic is an important part of the Mediterranean Diet. Like tomatoes, it can be used with just about any otherwise cooked food, so whatever your diet regime is, you should find you can utilize garlic widely to satisfy your palate. Garlic has some important nutrients too, such as calcium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, phosphorus and selenium, plus antibiotic properties.
Basil is a humble and popular herb that can be used liberally to bring its distinctive flavor to other foods. What you may not realize is that basil also packs a punch when it comes to calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin C. Also, basil is a good source of iron, potassium and magnesium, and carotenoids such as beta carotene. How about tomato and basil soup, with a touch of garlic? A perfect combo of health foods that will fit into most diets.
The mention of strawberries seems like a self indulgence; their flavor to some can seem too good to be true. Well, indulge, because the strawberry is a great health food too, with some nutrients you may not have anticipated. Strawberries contain Vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese, folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids. Strawberries are best fresh and eaten on their own.
Many may turn their noses up at the mention of spinach; I know I did as a child. Even so, once you discover its true flavor, spinach does make an excellent food as a module vegetable, in a soup or in a curry. All the mature stories about the goodness of spinach were true, as it contains Vitamin C, iron, beta carotene and calcium., plus vitamins E and K, fibre, lutein and zeaxanthin.
Those are just a couple of ideas for healthy foods, rich in nutrients, that can add flavour and interest to your diet, as you set out to make a permanent lifestyle change to lose weight.
Lose Weight With Intuitive Eating
Confused? Frustrated? Fed up? Do you feel bewildered after trying diet after diet and never being able to keep the weight off? In fact, if you’re like most people, you eventually ended up gaining all your weight back plus a few extra instead of losing.
Do you notice that there are no diet fads currently sweeping the market? There’s a simple reason. After over 100 years of dieting, it’s finally clear that all that effort, deprivation, planning, and starvation has only made the American public fatter. As a matter of fact, 95% of dieters gravy back all their weight within 1 - 5 years. Diets don’t work.
What does work is honoring and listening to your body.
Before you go on yet numerous diet consider looking to the natural wisdom of your body. The irony is that we each have the finished, free, built in diet available to us right here and now. It's called listening to your body and it's simple.
There are just a few simple things to learn:
What you resist persists
The most essential step is to love and believe your body as it's right now. If you’re reading this article, you're probably carrying a some extra pounds. That’s a common result of dieting. But most people were born to be of normal weight. You, too! Treat your body wholesome and meet its needs and you'll find you return to your confess ideal weight easily and naturally.
Listen to your body
Treat your body with gentleness and tender, loving trouble by eating when you feel physically hungry and stopping when you're full. Overeating is usually a form of diet backlash that results from starvation and deprivation. It’s the body’s survival mechanism in action to save your life from the famine it experienced. Jab eating small, frequent amounts with the intention of feeling light and refreshed from eating instead of heavy and stuffed.
Choose to eat what you really want in each moment, not what you think you should have or what would make you good
As you make choices based on your body’s desires, you'll find yourself eating prominent foods in smaller quantities. Sensually enjoy the food you eat. Discrimination the delicious flavors, enjoy the various textures. And if it isn’t tasting great, get something better right then.
Licentiousness more, suffer less
Find some kind of movement that makes you feel like a infant again. Or take walks that feed your father. Make exercise something you love and look forward to rather than yet another chore to feel guilty about skipping.
Accept your body, meet its needs, enjoy your food, and play. Sounds better than dieting doesn’t it? And it works sharpened, extraordinarily. If you’re looking for a real, long term solution to ending the battle with your weight, intuitive eating may just be the answer you’ve been seeking.
The Best Weight Loss Program
There is a strong possibility that whoever reads this article is looking into ways of losing weight. In this article I describe how I went about losing my excess weight. I hope you enjoy the read. I've had many problems with my weight throughout my life. Being overweight had a over dissension effect on my confidence and made me feel down and at times depressed. When feeling low, I'd furtherance eat which merely added to the problem.
A few years ago I decided I had had enough of being fat and that it was time to do something about it. I was now more determined than ever to lose some of my excess weight. I had read about many different types of diet most of which I felt weren't suitable for me and others which sounded disgusting. What I required was my own type of weight loss arrangement. I have never liked the thought of attending a gym, they seem to be full of thin people, however I knew that exercise would need to be a factor. Instead, I started to walk a lot more rather than driving everywhere, I also started to opportunity football and tennis again. The realizing of going out jogging did not really appeal to me, however I did buy an exercise bike which I kept in my bedroom.
As vigorous as exercise, I also realized that I had to change my eating habits. I am somebody who likes to eat all the wrong types of food. I love all types of take away including pizzas, a curry, a Chinese, and chips. I would always be snacking in between meals, on things like peanuts and crisps. I also was rather partial to alcohol, this is something which helped me to gain confidence. The thought of cutting all of these things out of my life seemed to harsh, so I decided that I'd start to write down stuff I ate. This way I could see exactly what I could cut out.
This is what I decided to eat on undistinguished per day. I would eat a healthy breakfast such as toast or cerial. I'd try not to eat any snacks in between any meals, this was the thing that would be most difficult to stick to. I did however come up with a plan which you will probably think is daft. Whenever I felt hungry or a desire for food I'd eat a polo mint or if I was at home, would clean my teeth. Sounds crazy but it worked for me! For lunch I'd also stick to something healthy like pasta, however for my evening meal, I decided that I could eat anything that I wanted, including curry. On the weekend I'd always treat myself to a takeaway and would allow myself some alcohol.
This type of diet needs a lot of discipline and character, however it hs helped me to become a lot more confident and happy with life.
You Are Not Doomed To Be Fat Forever
I know, you're probably thinking you've to diet to lose weight. But nothing could be further from the truth. With rare exceptions, most people were born into normal weight bodies. But then we learned to diet.
Dieting causes the body to go into survival mode. Dieting itself sparks the intense biological urge to consume large quantities of high calorie foods. It causes the body's instinctual drives to override all intellectual controls. It primes the body to maximize food intake and minimize energy burned.
Diets have set us up to fight against our own physical survival, the body's most basic instinct.
As a comparison, think of how difficult life would be if you had to go to the bathroom on a wearisome schedule. What if you only allowed yourself to urinate 3 times a day?
At 8 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. you could release positively 5 ounces. You'd measure it of patrol to be sure it was the right amount. If you needed to go more, you would force yourself to wait until the next booked time. And too bad if you needed to go at 10 am, hold it until noon.
You would be miserable. Your body would have a very difficult time complying with an arbitrary schedule. It would probably get ugly.
Overeating because your body refuses to starve doesn't make you a failure. It means you're human.
- It doesn't make you diseased.
- It doesn't mean you're flawed forever.
- It doesn't doom you to being permanently sick and trying to recover for the rest of your life.
- It circumstance you did the best you could at the time.
- It means you will be able to forgive yourself and move on.
Think of how children live, we can learn a lot from them:
- They rest when they are tired.
- They pace, jump, swim, dance, and play as much as they can because it feels good and it's fun.
- They're picky about what they eat. They'll go hungry instead of settle for something they don't love.
- They eat when they're hungry.
- Once they feel full, they've to be tricked or bribed into eating even one more bite of food.
- They drink when they're thirsty.
- They love their bodies and they don't care how their thighs look or if their tummy isn't flat and tight.
- They don't have to think about all this. It good comes naturally and easily as a partition of being human.
So stop thinking of yourself as forever fat. You're not doomed to either being overweight or to being on a perpetual diet. Let overeating and overweight languish into the past. They served you well to keep you alive. Once you stop dieting and assume the body you were born with, you can return to your unique, normal weight.
I'm not suggesting everyone is going to be model skinny. The endless, tyrannical pressure to be very kooky is a big part of the problem. Some bodies are meant to be soft and curvy. Others are absolutely sharp and angular. We are variously stocky, tall, fleshy, muscular, sinewy, short, etc. There's wonderful beauty in diversity.
Accepting and loving the unique beauty of your body will heal you and side with you free. Be like a child and delight in the body you have. Cherish the power in your muscles. Enjoy the feeling of being alive here on this planet. Let go of having to look a certain way. Be yourself. Let someone increased try to be like the models or celebrities. The world will be a better place if it gets to have the real, unique, special person that you are.
Believe in your own healing. Believe that you can live tender and positively at your own ideal weight. That faith is a huge part of what will set you free. Eating normally is completely natural. Deep down you know how to do it.
Set Sensible Weight Loss Goals
The key to any successful weight loss endeavor is to set some sensible weight loss goals. Setting goals will let you track your progress and gives you a definite target to aim for. You don’t want to aim too high and set yourself up for failure or even worse, risk your health by losing too much too fast. At the same time, you want to set a goal that is a little bit of a challenge. Here are some guidelines on how to come up with a sensible weight loss goal.
Do not lose more than 1 to 2 pounds a're aiming for slow and steady weight loss. To set your goal, decide when you want to lose the weight by, and so expect to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. So, if you figure a time term of 6 months, you want your goal to be around 26 – 52 pounds.
Even small goals will make a difference
Don’t feel like you've to lose a lot of weight to make difference in your health. You will see benefits by losing as little as 10% of your body weight. If you weigh 150 pounds, losing 15 pounds may show an improvement in your overall health and the way you feel.
Use the body mass index
Feeling overweight, or thinking that you should lose some weight can be very subjective. To get a better feel for where you're at, you may want to calculate your Body Mass.
Speak to your physician
Timetable an appointment with your general practitioner. He or she knows your medical history and will be able to advise you on how much you should lose. It's always a commendable idea to speak to your physician before you start any diet or exercise program.
Set mini goals
Once you set your ultimate goal and have a time plan for reaching it, break it up into several mini goals to reach along the way. Looking at a big goal can seem a little intimidating. Breaking it up into smaller goals allows you to focus on your first mini goal and gives you a enjoyment of accomplishment when you reach that goal. Then just move on to the next mini goal until you reach your big goal.
Now that you've your weight loss goal and the mini goals in place, start by tackling your first mini goal. I know you will be able to succeed by approaching weight loss one step at a time. Your next challenge is just to get started.
Fat Loss Or Weight Loss
Some people used the term weight loss while others call it fat loss although many use the terms weight loss and fat loss interchangeably. Do they mean the same thing? To many people, they do mean the same thing. But the terms may be entirely different in meaning. You must know the difference if you want to lose weight or lose fat effectively and healthily.
As you step onto your bathroom scale every morning, what you will be reading from the scale is weight loss and not fat loss. Bath room scales are never accurate in determining fat loss.
Why? Because it measures your overall weight and not your body fat per se. If you confer yourself in the morning before breakfast after your bowel movement, you will probably get your lowest reading of the day because your body is dehydrated through hours of non fluid replenishment when you were sleeping and after emptying your bowels, more water and wastes are flushed away so much so that you're lighter. After a darkness of sleep and not eating anything, your carbohydrate store is running low and therefore you're even lighter without the stored carbohydrate known as glycogen. What happened thence? You just loss weight not loss fat! Your body fat is still there while the weight of other substances such as glycogen, wastes, spray etc are depleted.
Now go weigh yourself again after dinner when you're fully replenished through meals and consumption of water and it may surprised you that you may probably weigh 2kg or more heavier and that is at least 4.4 pounds! You just gained weight and may even gained fat! Now you can see that it is such a misnomer when people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing.
Why must you know the difference? Because for most of us, especially those who are on the fat slice want to lose fat and not necessarily want to lose weight. Getting the drift?
Now for the more important part. Mere weight loss may cause you to lose muscle and in turn, make you gain body fat subsequent. Yes, it's ironical. That is because the more muscle mass you've, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Body fat just sit there doing nothing and thus don't burn calories on its own. So the less muscle mass you've, the less calories your body will burn. The fewer calories your body burn, the more calories through up being stored as body fat! So it's important to lose fat but not merely lose weight which may include the loss of muscle tissues.
How is it that a person may lose enforcement on a weight loss program? Well for starters, we commonly hear about people going on this diet and that diet. Most diets demand a severe restriction of food or calorie intake. Your body will then signal to your mind that you are in a starvation mode and the body is designed to store fat for the impending famine and will use up your muscle for energy in your daily activities.
A few diets advocate a severe cut in carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is your body's first source of energy. While your body is depleted of carbohydrate, it turns to your protein and body fat indiscriminately for energy. Now to make matters worse, because of the restricted carbohydrate consumed, there will be fewer carbohydrate calories to be used as energy calories and that again will vital the onset of starvation mode again. The vicious cycle of your body cannibalizing its own muscle is set in motion again. The same applies to people on slimming pills or salon fat loss programs.
So a few people say ok, Chris, I see your point, so I'll just do plenty of cardio exercises to lose weight. Another grave mistake. Have you ever wondered why marathon runners, those who run many kilometers often and are doing cardio exercises halfway everyday are so skinny with no muscle tone? Because your body is a wonderful machine. It's designed to adapt. When you run or skip or swim long enough, it will say, look, I sharpened get lighter so that I can take the stress more desirable and skyrocket the endurance. Guess what? Your muscles are heavier than fats and what will your body shed more when it wants to get lighter? Muscle or fat? Your body will shed both but more muscles than fats.
In any event, why would you want to lose weight only to become a smaller you with the same body shape without any muscle tone? Why would you want to be on a weight loss program that chop chop your muscles and lower your fat burning rate so much so that when you're off the program, the fats come piling back on again?
So, while you're on a lose weight program, you must also be on a physique muscle program. That will mean a combination of congruous dietary habit, cardio exercises and weightlifting exercises to maintain power preservation and a fat loss result.
From now on tell people you're on a fat loss program and not a weight loss program. That you're on a correct eating habit rather than just simply dieting.
With the distinction clearly in mind, you'll then know how to lose fat effectively, accumulate and grow your muscles and at the same time losing weight on your bathroom scale. That would be an ideal way to achieve your weight loss objective because you'll lose body fat rather than muscle and mere body wastes.
How To Make Weight Loss Diets Work
As we all know, weight loss diets are big business. And looking at the statistics, it's easy to see why. Currently, an estimated 58 million American adults are overweight, of whom an estimated 40 million are obese, 9.6 million are seriously obese and 6 million suffer from super obesity. Worldwide statistics on overweight are equally alarming, as reflected in the new word globesity. In China, the number of overweight people has risen from less than ten percent to fifteen percent in just three years. In Brazil and Colombia, the figure of overweight is about forty percent - comparable with several European countries. Even Black Africa is seeing an increase in obesity, particularly among urban women. In all regions, obesity appears to escalate as income increases. And the higher the incidence of obesity, the higher the incidence of weight related disease, including: type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, and cancers of the breast and colon.
Conventional diet methods
Both the US Surgeon General and the Dietary Guidelines For Americans issued by the US Dept of Agriculture emphasize the need for calorie control and increased physical exercise to reduce the overweight epidemic, but prove suggests that general diet methods don't provide significant weight reduction, due to poor compliance. Surveys show that annual weight loss resulting from convention diet and exercise programs averages less than 8 pounds per year, while in a 4 year follow up study of programs incorporating the use of obesity drugs, behavior modification, diet and exercise, the final average weight loss was 3 pounds. This apparent failure of conventional weight loss methods is often contrasted with the 30 - 40 percent average weight loss following bariatric surgery.
Food composition of diets
Fashion sells products, and weight loss diets are no exception. First we had low fat diets, which were promoted as heart friendly ways of reducing weight. Unfortunately, this message was interpreted by consumers as all fats are leading, all carbs are good, and led to an unhealthy overconsumption of processed carbs. With the relaunch of Dr Atkins "New Diet Revolution", the fashion pendulum swung the other way. Now carbs were the enemy, not fat.
After Atkins came the South Beach Diet, which offered us a more moderate low carb approach. Now, it's GI diets - based on foods with a lower glycemic response - that are high fashion and, being scientifically more beneficial, are likely to remain so for some time. However, while the food composition of diets may change, the basic law of weight loss remains unaltered: calorie expenditure must exceed calorie intake. To this extent, provided a diet is calorie controlled and includes foods from all food groups, the exact composition of foods remains no to a greater extent than a matter of personal knowledge.
General eating and exercise habits
When assessing the effectiveness of conventional dieting methods, due regard must be paid to general eating habits. In America at least, these do not appear to be helpful. Despite the mounting try of weight related ill health, social eating habits prolong to develop in unhealthy directions. Value for money supersizing continues to attract customers, while fast food sales continue to rise. And the lifelong demand for instant food only inspires the food industry to produce more and more refined food options bulging with nutritional deficiency and calorie overload. Is it any wonder that levels of diet compliance among average dieters is so low? Meantime, an estimated 78 percent of Americans don't meet basic activity level recommendations, while 25 percent are totally sedentary.
Ii collar the answer?
If colloquial diet programs press on less than perfect ways of tackling overweight in the face of ingrained eating habits, it would be misleading to write them off completely. Not only does research data from the US National Weight Control Registry evidence that long term weight reduction is perfectly achievable, a number of diet programs, especially medically supervised clinic based programs, are consistently live. What distinguishes these diets is the level of counseling support which subjects receive. Nowadays, this reinforcement can be provided in various ways, including: mandatory group meetings, person-to-person sessions, online forums or chat rooms. And it seems to work. For instance, according to recent studies, the average weight reduction for a 10 - 12 calendar week clinic based obesity program involving meal replacement diets, exercise and counseling support is 5.5 pounds.
Finding more support
If getting proper support is one way of improving conventional diets, dieters need to parade their approach. Rather than focusing attention on finding the optimal eating - plan, they need to look for programs offering optimal support. Weight Watchers is an obvious choice but diets organized around the workplace or other social groupings may also provide natural help. Online programs with forum support might also be considered. In any event, there's no substitute for a sincere dieting partner.
Adopting health habits
Given the reality that losing as little as 7 - 10 percent of body weight can improve many of the problems linked to being overweight, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, some obesity experts advocate a less formal approach to calorie control. They recommend adopting certain healthy habits rather than following a marked diet. An example might be a 200 calorie a day lessening achievable by taking a moderate 30 minute walk, and switching from whole milk to skimmed milk. This saves 73, 000 calories a year - the statue of 20 pounds of body fat. The commercial response to this approach is already visible in programs such as the "Three Hour Diet", which recommends regular eating to maintain a regular rate of calorie burning. Fancy to see more weight loss programs like this, which emphasize specific habits.
Current levels of overweight and obesity call for urgent attention. To be efficient, conventional diet programs need to offer optimal support rather than optimal food composition, in order to facilitate diet compliance. For people who are unable or unwilling to adopt a specific weight loss plan, making small but specific changes may be sufficient to achieve important improvements in health.
The Best Diet Plan For You
As the old year comes to a close and everyone begins to look forward to the beginning of a New Year, many people are also anticipating the beginning of their New Year’s resolutions. For numerous individuals, New Year’s resolutions will involve vows to cut back on their food intake, get on a diet and exercise regimen and drop at least a few pounds. The question that hangs in the air for those who are anticipating the start of a new diet lies in exactly which diet might happen to be right for them and which diet holds the key to helping them lose the most weight.
Certainly, there are numerous diets available and it seems like every few months a new diet or eating plan has emerged to become the new successful diet rage. Is it possible that all the popular diets can help you lose weight or are there certain diets that can help you lose more weight than others?
This is the question that a group of researchers set out to answer recently. Over a period of two months, 160 individuals were monitored closely as they followed a supervised program. The discrete factor among all 160 program participants was that they were allowed to choose whichever diet suited their fancy. Researchers waited and watched in anticipation to learn which diet or diets would try to be most successful.
What they learned at the thinking of the study proved to be quite interesting. The data they collected not only helped them to learn more about which diet programs encourage to be more successful in terms of total weight loss but also which diet programs more individuals were more likely to stick with for long term weight loss and maintenance.
While the study participants were allowed to choose their favorite diet plan, most participants opted for one of the following: Atkins, Weight Loss, Ornish and the Zone. Even though initial dossier was conducted after just two months, researchers continued to study the remaining participants. They discovered that after a period of time more than half of those participants who opted for diet plans that focused on low carbs and high fat, such as the Atkins plan, dropped out. Additionally, approximately the same ratio of individuals who chose the Ornish plan, which focuses on low fat and high carb vegetarian foods, also vacate their diets. Weight Watchers participants fared moderately better, with about two thirds of that group’s participants sticking with it. The Zone participants showed similar results.
So, which diet plans performed best overall in terms of total weight loss? Surprisingly, they all performed about the same. Those individuals participating in the Ornish plan who were able to stick with their diet for the entire year achieved a weight loss rate of about 6%; the highest of all groups. Atkins came in at about 4%, with Weight Watchers and the Zone performing at an average of 5% weight loss. Health risk factors related to obesity were an entirely different matter; however. In terms of heart disease risk, Weight Watchers participants decreased their risk by 15%, while various diet plans hovered in the 12% range. The Ornish diet plan participants, who showed a higher overall weight loss, showed a lower decrease in risk of heart disease, at just 7%.
Overall; however, researchers concluded that in the end, there is no one magic diet. If you’re planning to complete to lose weight in the New Year, your best strategy is still the same regardless of which diet plan you ultimately choose. Eat sensibly, cut back on portions, drink plenty of water, participate in a moderate exercise routine and find a diet buddy to support you in your weight loss goals.
How To Lose Those Menacing Pounds
Everybody would like to appear great during the vacations. It is the time they see their family and friends. For some people, that’s means to drop a couple of pounds. Many of us want to lose weight. The equation of losing weight is simple; take in fewer calories than you burn. But we all know it isn’t that easy. Our bodies aren’t math problems. We are very complex organisms. Each one of our bodies differs in some way. You can’t exactly pin point a diet to work for everyone, but here are some tips on helping you lose a couple of pounds. You can use these tips just for the basis of the holidays or you can use them all year around.
Put the kettle on
Green tea is a great way to lose weight. It also is very healthy for your body.
Drink steep
Water is one of the main elements of your body. You need it. Drinking inundate helps regulate your body system. Besides being healthy, water makes you feel fuller. Everyday, you should drink half of your body weight in ounces. For instance if you weigh one hundred eighty pounds, you should drink ninety ounces of sprinkle. Do not try to drink this all at once; spread it throughout the day.
Stop drinking sodas
Sodas are no nos. Sodas dries your body out. There are approximately nine packets of sugar and close to one hundred and fifty calories in one twelve ounce can of soda or liquor, says Netty Levine, M. S., R. D., a registered dietitian at Cedars - Sinai medical centre in Los Angeles. They just aren’t healthy.
Eat healthy
Start eating healthy. So many of us exercise and look over the mere gospel that we do not eat healthy. Eating healthy can improve your look in addition to your attitude. Some ways to eat healthy are to:
- Eat food rich in monosaturated fats
- Eat a fibre based breakfast. Fiber helps you stay full longer.
- Place protein in your meals. Protein also makes you stay full longer
- Eat more vegetables. Vegetables balance your meal out. They also comprise fewer calories as other foods.
- Keep track of calorie intake. Calories turn into fat.
- Throw the chips away. Junk food isn’t good for the body. They usually contain lots of pure fat, which isn't good unless it's polysaturated or monosaturated. Most of these foods are also high in sodium; this causes the body to become bloated.
- Eliminated red meat. Its not healthy.
- Eat soup, salad, and fruit. You just can’t go wrong with these types of food. They are glum in calories and fat.
- Cut out fried foods. Fried foods reason good, but it isn’t the best for our bodies. The oil causes our bodies to become slightly sluggish. Over time it can even start to clog your arteries.
Enjoy your meals
So many of us alertness. We have to make a deadline, so we rush. We have to spurt some errands, so we rush. Don’t rush your meal. If you power your meal, you won’t feel hungry when you are done. You will eat more and more because you feel that you aren’t satisfied. Take the time to savor your food; you will fill full faster.
Stop dining out. Cook!
When nutrition foods you can control your calorie intake. You also tend to eat more healthy food; your food tends to have less fats.
Do not eat late!
Most people are more active earlier in the day. Eating late, one tends to lie down, sit down, or even go to sleep. If one isn't tied up after they eat then the calories from the food turns into fat.
Don’t try to starve yourself
Starving yourself is not healthy. All it does is break down your body. Most people should eat at least 1200 calories a day. When you starve yourself your body thinks that you are going through starvation periods. Because of this your metabolism is slowed to a crawl. Even if you lose weight, once you begin to eat once again you will gain it all back and more.
No emotional eating!
Among the worse things you can do is eat when you're excited. We all are excited once in a while. Eating when you're excited might calm you down, but it also might place a tire around your waist or hips. Instead try using another outlet when you're emotional. Try running, aerobics, pilates, or yoga. If you don’t prefer to get physical during that time, try writing poems. If none of those works for you, there are many other things you are able to try. Listen to chilling out music, or just write your feelings down. Whatever you do... Do not pick up the dinnerware.
Exercise is among the safest ways to lose weight. Even though your weight will not come off promptly, your weight will stay off if you keep a healthy routine. Many people see exercising as a rigorous activity; it doesn’t have to be one. Besides the aerobics, the sports, and the high, you can try yoga or pilates. You don’t even have to do that. You can use the stairs rather than an elevator. You can stadium your car at the back of a store lot. You can even sign up for a dance class. You’ll get two in one; a fit body and some new dance moves. If you like to shop, go to the mall. You’ll tour a lot while carrying bags. Take a stroll after dinner. All of these are workouts that can help you drop some pounds.
Prioritize your workouts
Exercising doesn’t work unless you keep with it. Quitting exercising after two - weeks won’t help you.
Inches not pounds
Don’t worry if you step on the scale and you don’t look lighter. It’s not about the pounds; it’s about the inches. You should also keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat.
Say no to negative
Have courage in losing weight. Thinking that you will never lose weight will only discourage you. You will never get anywhere with a bad attitude.
Hide the propriety
Looking at the scale will make you feel that you haven’t loss anything. It also makes us rush our weight loss. Looking at the scales is a quick way to growth discouragement.
Keep off fad diets
Do not use fad diets. Fad diets will only cause you to lose weight temporarily. As soon as you decide you want to get off the diet, you will gain all the weight back. If you want long term weight loss, stay away from the fad diets.
Don’t just think about it. Do it!
Thinking of what you're going to do to lose weight won't help you. You have to get up and do it. If you remain thinking about weight loss, it will remain at just that, a thought.
Weight Loss - The All Natural Way
There are so many myths and fads that fancy to aid you in losing weight that when they are intelligently dissected will make you wonder what ever made you think to give them a shot, which is segment of the reasons why I am writing this to inform you that as the slogan of my site on drugless healing says: “if one way is true, it is the way of nature”. Moreover, Nature bows at no alter, seeks neither praise nor applause, she only asks for a hearing, my friends.
For weight loss, your best bet will be to embrace the three limbs of Naturopathy:
- Proper exercise
- Proper diet
- Positive thinking
Proper exercise
Now, there was a time, like almost everyone, that I assumed big and ostentatious muscles meant fitness and health. Inexact. Maybe it might depict strength - to a degree and that, for only a while, but you ask anybody about one of the greatest martial artists of all time, Bruce Lee, here was a guy who was said to do a thousand push ups and other feats of faculty and any picture of him shows he was not a blown up gang around of muscle waiting to atrophy and deflate as is the case with most fitness experts and body builders using supplements, I mean look at the agedness depicted across their faces most of the time.
This leads one to conclude that for exercise, basic aerobic - with oxygen exercises and anaerobic - without oxygen exercises can be sufficient without the use of synthetic products. For those who want an exercise for the mind as well as the body, Yoga definitely is unmatched.
From my experience, if you were to do the Sun Salutations which have been passed down from centuries with a opportune and sensible diet, which I will be explaining soon, you are well on your way to weight loss and strength.
Some Indians perform about a 100 merit rounds of this marvelous exercise on a daily basis and have humongous fitness, strength, agility and virility. Add some other poses like the inversions, Forward Bends, Backward bends, Balancing Poses and you are bound to see the immense results. Speaking of emulating celebrities, well did you know Sting, Madonna, Russell Simmons, Beyonce and Prince all practice some form of Yoga and need I mention how fit and good they look?
I could go on and on about Abdominal exercises and Live Exercises of the Yoga genre but that will be another subject in itself, the bottom line is: in my opinion, exercises that use the body’s weight for resistance such as Yoga, Calisthenics and Pilates are arguably the best for the human body.
Have you ever seen a chimpanzee lifting rocks repeatedly? Yet that distant cousin of humans can rip a door off a car and is chewed 8 times stronger than an average modern day human. Still, if we share about 98% DNA with this primate, its evidence to make one wonder how much healthier and fit we would be by adhering and live as close as possible to Nature’s laws of diet and exercise.
Proper diet
"You are what you eat"
“Let your foods be your medicine and your medicine your food”
“Every herb bearing seed and every tree purport outgrowth with seed in it shall be yours for food”
From these radical quotes above, it should be everyday to see that most latest day meals and mixtures are totally against Nature’s intent for us as citizens for fitness, agility and strength. It will be safe to say that if you want to lose weight, re - read these three quotes and the proper diet will stare you right in the face: Fruits and Vegetables.
Admittedly, and you can take this from a guy who was a uncooked vegan for several months, that might be kind of hard to accomplish or adhere to. Well, if you approach it the wrong way, being radical in nature and as with all things that don’t have a strong foundation, you may be bound to fail.
The good news is there are several books on the subject of this kind of a diet and though adequately addressed in the core ebook of my site, you can type up Vegan Diets, Raw Vegan Diets, Vegetarianism in any search engine to be educated to a degree on the subject. I have experimented with each of the three kinds of diets and have been on the Standard American diet and am now of the firm belief that the first two and maybe the third if done sensibly and wisely are the best for humans, period!
I touched on the subjects of internal cleanliness and non animal product diets in my article available in my blog and some relation directories under the title Is a low carb, high protein diet the best for weight loss? but I will briefly state again that based on the quotes above, and the recognition that this diet has been proven countless times to be the first-class, without the need for much of an argument, a diet free of animal products is simply the best for humans.
Categorical thinking:
Some quotes from perhaps the most rugged book ever put together, that being the Bible, bring to mind just how important it is to think positively - and wisely so in any endeavor one is undertaking. As a man thinks in his heart; so is he... and Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. That stated, what you constantly think over and over is eventually what comes to pass.
The mind has conforming powers that are beyond human strength at times, but according to the author of the Power of Positive Thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, You are what you are now based on your thoughts five years ago and will be in five years what you constantly think of yourself now.
Although one’s thoughts are very important, without taking the steps to conclude on them they do end up being a waste, but your reading this article does depict a desire to want to improve yourself be it through weight loss or any other factor.
Like with any journey in life, of course, you will have times when you may want to give up, lose faith or focus and consequently get off the path to success, which may explain why most people fail at diets and fads in the hunt of losing weight, well, my friend, you will have to literally tune your thinking to be positive so as to overcome the doubts and fears as you go about accomplishing your goals. It honestly will be easier applying the two other limbs of drugless healing above for weight loss as they do potency hand in hand.
In conclusion, forget the fads and hypes. For a healing rote to be best-selling at individual, especially weight loss, it must cover the three limbs of health: diet, exercise and positive thinking. It is my hope that this article will show you how to choose the best methods of attaining not only weight loss, but fitness and health on the inside and out.
Weight Loss Motivation Guidelines
If there is one thing that all dietitians and obesity experts agree on, it is that personal motivation is the foundation of all weight loss success. No matter how healthy the diet plan, or what combination of calories and nutrition it contains, it won't help anyone lose weight unless they follow it for long enough. Their willingness to do so depends entirely on how motivated they are to change their eating and exercise habits in order to achieve their weight loss goals.
Motivation advice hard to find
The Internet offers a bewildering array of diets and weight loss eating plans, but advice on motivation when dieting is in extremely short supply. Accustomed the strong link between diet compliance and motivation, this lack of motivational help is surprising to say the least. It may stem from the fact that many diets are created by people who lack hands on experience of helping people to manage their weight. Perhaps they see weight loss as a biological rather than a human process. If so, I think it's a mistake.
Motivating yourself to lose weight
I tell all my clients that archetypal a weight loss diet is like starting a journey. And like any trek it requires preparation. We need to look ahead and plan how to overcome problems that befall along the way. By doing this we take control of the process and greatly increase our chances of success.
Unfortunately, many dieters don't plan ahead. Instead, they take things as they come, and rely upon two things: their initial enthusiasm, and their willpower. But enthusiasm and willpower aren't enough to overcome the temptations and difficulties which we face when we try to change our eating habits and lifestyle.
Stop for a moment and imagine taking your family on a camping trip. Do you rely on your enthusiasm and willpower for food and shelter? Of course not. In all probability you spend hours beforehand carefully packing and preparing for every eventuality, and the whole trip is carefully planned out in advance.
Yet when you start a diet journey, many of you set off without any kind of planning or preparation. It's as if you are convinced that tool will go smoothly. But let's face it, what diet ever runs smoothly? Answer: none! So what happens when we encounter a big problem? Answer: we wobble, and often quit.
We need to plan new thinking habits
Planning a diet journey doesn't involve packing equipment, it involves packing new thoughts. We need to rehearse and adopt new ways of thinking in order to overcome problems during our journey. This isn't psycho babble this is plain common complex. After all, successful dieting is largely a matter of motivation and attitude. It's about what goes on between our ears!
The most common dieting problem
The most common problem we face when dieting is boredom. This typically occurs when our initial enthusiasm for losing weight wears off, and we become tired of watching what we eat. We become dispirited, and slightly downcast at the idea of having to sustain our " sensible eating habits " while everyone else seems to be having a good time.
Losing direction leads to boredom
We get bored when we lose our sense of direction. So to overcome it, we need to reestablish exactly where we are going. Remember, dieting is not an fortuitous process, it's a journey from A to B. Here's how we think when we lose direction:
I'm really bored with dieting, it's such a pain. I don't have any own accord any more. I can't eat this, I can't eat that... I'm fed up. I can't share food with the girls at work, I can't eat at my favorite restaurants, I have to keep saying No to food when I visit friends, I have to watch my family eating in front of me, I don't have time to exercise properly, I'm never going to lose weight and I'm feeling really miserable. Heck! Life is too short for this..
This kind of thinking is strikingly demotivating. It focuses exclusively on the denial aspects of dieting and signals complete aimlessness. No weight loss goal is achievable when we think like this.
Points to remember:
- A diet is a journey from A to B.
- Feeling laid back is a sign we are losing our direction.
- When we lose direction we need to regain it, fast!
- The way to regain direction is to remind yourself why you are dieting.
- You are dieting because you want something better than a plate of fattening food.
Getting help to lose weight
Changing our eating habits is much easier when we get support from other people. So make sure your online weight management plan includes membership of a forum. Because only people can offer you the sort of encouragement you need to achieve your personal weight loss goals.
Weight Give Us Something To Shoot For
We have all seen the new Dove commercials that feature real women instead of the impossibly ideal models that are usually selected. While the Dove girls are universally attractive and fit, they also reflect different sizes and shapes, designed to represent the average American woman. Is that what we want?
Glorifying our variety seems like a positive development which should lead to increased self - content and improved self esteem. Comparing ourselves to the imperfect bodies displayed is supposed to lessen our self criticism and sense of inadequacy.
Does it?
We are a race of strivers, constantly seeking to better ourselves. Self improvement is the biggest marketing niche of the 21st Century, from books and classes to online information products, magazines, and television. The gurus of our day, from Oprah, to Martha Stewart, to Dr. Phil, to Donald Trump, all entice us towards crucial ourselves, our looks, our relationships, our finances, our surroundings — our integral life. We are dissatisfied with ourselves as we are because we have partial a glimpse of what we can become.
To keep us motivated in that rule, we need a vision of perfection to work towards, even if we know we’ll never quite get there. When it comes to weight control, what will keep us riveted on our goal? To look as gorgeous as the cover models on Cosmopolitan or the chunky figures in the Dove Ads?
We don’t want to be patronized by the marketing mavens. We don’t want a subtle reminder that we need to okay our sights lower or aspire to something less than excellence. We want a dream that soars, that inspires us to unbelievable heights. We want a vision to move towards, no matter how unlikely it's that we will reach that destination. So keep your condescending Go ahead and settle for this coming away, please.
High Protein Diets
This type of diet became very popular as of recently due to the promotion of the ever popular Atkins Diet Craze. This diet is very popular because there is no calorie counting involved, and many foods that many people love to eat are allowed on the diet. Further, the Atkins diet is a high protein diet, which means that weight lost during this diet will not result in lost muscle mass, since protein is the main nutrient needed for maintaining healthy muscle tone. This diet basically eliminates carbohydrates, which are simple sugars or foods that break down into simple sugars. These serve as empty calories in your diet, providing no nutrients yet many calories.
While we won't cover the Atkins diet here, we can give you basics of the high protein, low carb diet. First charter us spot carbohydrates. Sugar, including powdered sugar, granulated white sugar, brown sugar, or any type of sugar you can think of, is the main carbohydrate that you would need to terminate. All types of pastas count as carbohydrates, meaning all noodle and spaghetti products must be eliminated. Starches of any type, such as white rice, potatoes and potato chips, need to be eliminated. Cereals are mostly carbohydrates and should be avoided entirely during the diet phase. Because of the low carb craze, there are many low carb options of sodas, milk, ice cream, bread, beer, and wine available in the average supermarket. If you do consume these, be factual to do so only occasionally and in moderation, even if it is a low carb type. Otherwise, the aforementioned foods should be eliminated entirely when not of the low carb type. Beware of foods that contain hidden sugars, like bacon, barbecue flavoring, ketchup, salad dressing, cough syrup, and eventuality juice. As strange as it may seem, fruits and fruit juices should be eliminated while in the weight loss phase of this diet, as they are nearly pure carbohydrates. Anything made with flour needs to be eliminated during the weight loss phase, since as mentioned earlier they are high in carbohydrates.
Instantly what can you eat? Well, the good news is that you can eat all meats, fish, poultry and seafood, except mythical meats like bacon and honey baked ham, which are high in sugar. Skip the bread and have meat and salad, or meat in your salad. Eggs are very low carb friendly, but be sure to skip the mayonnaise or salad flavoring unless it is low carb type mayonnaise or relish. Any type of vegetable is fine, but be conclusive to realize that when making that salad that tomatoes are actually a fruit, and you want to limit your consumption of them at least during the weight loss phase. Choose brown rice as your starch replacement, as it is low in carbohydrates comparatively to potatoes, bread or white rice. Cheese is good in limited amounts, as this is a high protein, low carb food. Butter and cream can be used, but should be consumed in limited amounts. One complex carbohydrate that is good is fiber, as it does not break down into simple sugar, and helps the body with elimination. Further, fiber fills you up quickly without adding significant calories, so hunger pangs are fought off successfully.
Finally, make sure you are drinking at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day minimum in addition to any other liquid you may consume. Dehydration often masquerades as hunger and causes overeating. Of course, again exercise is a necessary and vital part of your diet plan, which we will cover in the next section on exercise.
Once you lose the weight that you set out to lose, the weight loss transaction of your diet is over. Of course keep in mind that you are making lifestyle changes, not going on fad or binge diets. This means that you will not go back to your old eating habits. Instead you will make active certain foods back into your diet in moderation. For example, you may add a couple of strips of bacon once a week to your meal plan. You can enjoy small portions of deserts of any kind, simply in moderation. It is best to avoid soft drinks all together, or opt for the low carb type permanently. If you do introduce any other carbohydrate - laden foods, be categorical to do so only at one meal, and in small portions. Reducing carbohydrates will become a lifestyle to you when following this plan, one is very booked to boost your overall energy level and help you keep the weight off.
Low Carb Diet Plan - When More Is Better
When most people want to lose weight the first thing they usually do is start a diet. And a diet to most people means stop eating.
A healthy diet should consist of eating less of the foods that contain calories from simple carbohydrates and more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and good sources of protein. This is the basis of a good low carb diet plan. As a matter of fact, a good diet should have you eating more instead of less! Not more food, but more often. The body's a wonderful mechanism. It's geared towards one important goal. Survival. When your body feels threatened by the lack of food it automatically assumes that you're starving. To combat this condition the body will start breaking down muscle to use as flurry and saves its fat stores for the last ditch effort to save itself from what it thinks is immanent death.
This is bad on two fronts.
First, by using muscle tissue for energy you're losing precious lean mass which is metabolically active. This means that you need energy to support muscle which helps to keep your metabolism running at a extended pace. Higher metabolism means larger calories burned even in a resting state. Fat, on the other hand, doesn't need any energy to agency it. It's smartly dead weight. Secondly, the body will start storing more fat because it's preparing itself for the worst. Your survival is your body's most important concern so it'll do whatever it can to maintain alive. So what can you do if you want to eat less without starving yourself and sending your body into this defense mode?
Eat smaller meals more often throughout the day.
By eating more often you won't get hungry as quickly and your metabolism will stay raised because you'll be digesting food more often. Digesting food uses calories just like any other physical activity. So here's the plan. Eat four or five meals a day. Not what most would consider a meal, but a small portion of protein along with some fresh fruits and veggies. This can be accomplished with a little planning and preparing in your permit time. Cook your weeks worth of meals - skinless chicken's an excellent preface of protein and can usually be purchased in a big pack or monetary worth pack from your local grocery store - and refrigerate it in separate packages, one for each meal. Egg whites are a very good source of protein too. By mixing three or four whites with one yolk and tossing it into the microwave for approximately 90 seconds, whipping it and tossing it back in for another 60 seconds, you can have some helpful fluffy scrambled eggs practically anywhere. Without all the cholesterol! Buy your produce and clean it, separating it too into tuck size portions. All this can be done in a few hours on the weekend.
Buying some disposable storage containers can help keep things convenient and organized. Try to eat every three hours or so to keep your metabolism and energy up. This will help you stay away from those snacking binges too. And, drink lots of water. Water will help to cleanse your body and make you feel full. So you see, with a little design and by adhering to a low carb diet plan sometimes eating more can be better!
Need To Lose Weight Fast For A Special Occasion
If you have just a little weight to lose, and want to take it off fast, there are a number of diets that you can use. Most of these wouldn't be recommended for long term weight loss, as they substantially restrict your intake of some essential nutrients, so using them habitually may not be healthy. But if you're normal diet is healthy, and you just want a quick boost to drop 8-10 pounds quickly, or to kick off a new diet with a bang, the Cabbage Soup Diet actually works.
The cabbage soup diet has been around for almost 30 years. It's based on the notion that your body actually uses and calories to digest cabbage than the amount that it derives from cabbage. It's a so called negative calorie diet, and includes many foods that, like cabbage, are high in fiber and very low in calories.
The base of the cabbage soup diet is - what else? Cabbage soup. There are several recipes for cabbage soup available. Essentially, the soup is made with onions, peppers, mushrooms, carrots, cabbage, celery and spices to taste. You'll be eating the soup every day - as much of it as you want.
In addition, there is a seven day routine of foods to supplement the cabbage soup.
1. All the fruit you want along with all the soup that you want. No caffeinated beverages or sodas. Drink only water, tea and cranberry juice.
2. Eat all the vegetables that you want, but avoid dried hard cash, peas and corn. Eat veggies raw, fresh or cooked. No fats, no sauces, no butter. At dinner, you may have one scorched potato with butter - and of course, all the cabbage soup that you want!
3. Eat all the fruits and veggies that you want from day two and day three - but no baked potato.
4. Bananas and skim milk - yes, all the skim milk you want, plus up to eight bananas, along with - you guessed it, all the cabbage soup you want.
5. Eat ten to twenty ounces of beef. Drink at least 10 glasses of water, and eat up to six fresh tomatoes.
6. Eat all the beef, vegetables and cabbage soup that you want. No baked potato. Lots of leafy green vegetables.
7. You can have all the unsweetened fruit juices, brown rice, and vegetables that you want - and at least one bowl of soup.
That's it. Remember - this diet is not recommended for long term weight loss, or long term use. It doesn't contain enough multiform carbohydrates to be healthy for longer than a few days. But if you just need a jump start or a quick halt, it's a good way to pick up the pace for a week.
How To Get Calories Out Of Restaurant Food
When I eat out I want it to be special, consequently I don't eat out often. You may have seen the advice on how to shave calories at restaurants but really, are you wanting to pay high restaurant prices for undressed salads and plain steamed vegetables? If not, how then can you solve the dilemma of too many calories when you eat out?
Here are seven tips for getting the calories out of restaurant meals span still ordering your favorites.
1. Say no to super sizing. The size you ordered is already too big. Stop super sizing and you'll save money. Better still, order one dinner and ask for an extra plate. Many restaurants will do this for a dollar or two, and it's well worth it. Then share the meal with your friend and you split the cost straight down the middle. Another option is to order from the so called appetizer menu. Two people could order three entrees, one dessert and cleft the whole thing and it's still a ton of food!
2. Skip the bread and rolls. Many family restaurants still serve a bread basket with your nutrition. Unless it's a fresh baked loaf or some really special bread, just skip it. You don't need to fill up on ordinary bread when you're paying good money for a meal. Just ask for it to be taken away if you can't resist, but frankly, you're an adult, you can resist, if you want to. You can simply choose not to put a roll on your plate. Striving it, just once and see if you don't walk out of that restaurant feeling strangely powerful.
If you can't skip the rolls, at least skip the butter. That's right. Eat it plain. Whole grain bread is delicious all by itself.
3. Stop Ordering Drinks. Soft drinks are a huge cash cow for restaurants. For copper they sell you a squirt of syrup and carbonated water and act like they're doing you a big favor by only charging you $1. 29 for a giant 64 ounce soda. Start saving those dollars. Especially if you're ordering to go skip the drink. If you're eating it there, ask for water, or at least switch to diet drinks. Never drink fat pop.
4. Slow Down You Eat Too Fast! What's the rush? Take your time, appreciate the moment, enjoy the flavors. A big part of getting in touch with your hunger signals and learning to eat what really will arouse is learning to recognize the subtle signs of hunger. You won't know when you're approaching satisfaction if you've gobbled everything down in five minutes. Take a bite then notice how many times do you chew before you start wanting to swallow? Once, twice? Make an striving to chew your food and your body will be much happier. A very large part of digestion begins in your mouth, not to mention you'll get much amassed tactility if you let the food linger.
5. Trim Visible Fat and Skin. I understand, you really love the skin - of course you do, it tastes good, it should, it's exact fat. Do you want to get leaner, or do you want to eat fat? You choose. I never eat chicken skin and never eat the visible fat hanging off a steak, good taste or no. You have to decide what you want more, the help's worth of pleasure of a yummy taste, or a lifetime of carrying around an extra 40 lbs? I know this is counter to the low carb club's belief that fat is good, carbs are evil, but I've maintained an 80 pound weight loss for 18 years without dieting and I don't eat peripheral fat or skin. Enough said.
6. Ask for a Doggie Bag at the Beginning of Meal. When the food is served, immediately portion off some to take home for tomorrow. Most restaurants in the US serve way too much. There is no law you have to eat it all. Do this frequently and soon you'll find you're getting an extra lunch out of that meal.
7. Get a copy of Restaurant Confidential by Michael F. Jacobson and Jayne Hurley, and start checking out how many calories you're really eating. If you eat out frequently and you move extra weight, then that's probably the problem right there. This little book can help you realize why it seems you don't eat that much yet you can't lose any weight. Hardees recently introduced a new burger that clocks in at just under 1200 calories all by itself! Now that's frightening.
If you really want to get a handle on your weight problem, look first to where you eat, second at what you eat, and third how much you eat. Where, What and How Much? Try these steps choosing one tip at a time, and see how easily you can take some of the calories out of restaurant food.