Can Detoxification Diets Cure Your Acne

There are many acne products out there that claim you can become acne free in less than seven days, but today I'm going to expose to you what they're trying to sell you and whether their method works or not. Basically, when the sales copy for an acne treatment won't tell you their method, often coming in an ebook format, they're trying to sell you a detoxification diet.

So, what is a detoxification diet, and does it work? I'm going to use the acne ebook "Acne Free in 3 Days" as an example for this quick study. "Acne Free in 3 Days" promises you acne freedom, of course, in just three days. This sounds great, but can it work? If you go to their website, their are tons of reviews, and it seems the author, Chris Gibson has even received media attention for his product. I'll give you the facts, and you can decide for yourself whether or not this acne treatment works.

Basically, this ebook tells you to eat apples and drink plenty of water for three days. Well, even though I summarized his ebook in one sentence, it pretty much covers the entire book, so now you won't need to purchase it. By eating plenty of apples, and nothing else, you will undergo a detox of the body, removing toxins and other wastes that supposedly cause acne. If you didn't already know, apples usually make you poop a lot. So, you'll be removing all the waste from your body. Now, don't discount the water. Water also flushes out all the toxins from the body.

After these three days, you can be pretty certain your body has been detoxicated. But, what if you returned back to your normal diet? The toxins will come back, your acne will come back, and everything will be back to normal. So, unfortunately, detoxification just isn't a long term solution for acne.

However, what if you were able to constantly detoxicate the body, every single day? This is where a new acne treatment comes in, where they teach you how to maintain the perfect acne free diet. This product is called "Acne No More". However, based on my personal experiences, maintaining the perfect diet is near incredible. I turned to vitamins to make up for this problem, since there was no way I could keep to the ideal acne free plan.

So, detoxification of the body really is just a temporary solution, and to constantly perform this stroke is next impossible. Although it may help treat acne, and it usually works, it's by no means a miracle acne treatment. However, I've found that performing a quick detoxification diet right after an acne breakout quenches the breakout in just a few days. This is a great treatment for these problems.